Thursday, June 5, 2008

A Reason to Whoop

Last Saturday found the McKibbins airborne as we went to Colorado. A friend of mine from college was getting married. I like weddings. Shocking, I know, to have a woman say such things. What? A woman who likes weddings? No way! Having grown up with elopement as my family m.o. the first wedding I attended (years ago) felt more like anthropological study. The ritual seemed odd and complex.

I got ah-hemed when as I sat, clueless about my cue to stand as the bride entered. I remember thinking at the reception: Hmmmmm. So we clink our glasses and they kiss? Fascinating. At some point, though, I quit feeling like an anthropologist at weddings. I came to appreciate the beauty of the occasion. Not the dresses, the flowers, the trimmings which are always quite nice; but an occasion which celebrates two people deciding to travel through this world together is pretty spectacular.

In a world where cynicism comes quickly to any discussion of marriage I sound like a sap whenever I say I believe in it. But I do. I believe that if you find someone that inspires and loves you -- marriage is a good idea. I recommend it.

This past month found me at two wedding occasions actually. Ashlee and Sean's in Colorado. Kirsten and Jeremy's in Lincoln. I'm getting to know my way around the gift table and the cash bar.

McKibbin still has to sign the guest book for us, though. I have the urge to write something like "WOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOO!" And he says that rather than sounding like an emphatic whoop of celebration the phrase conjures an image of the drunken sorority girl who missed MTV's spring-break so she settled for the role of wedding-crasher.

In case I ever grab the pen from my husband and sign the guest book myself ... I want to be clear that I was never a sorority girl nor did I aspire to appear on MTV's spring-break show. I have, however, found someone who inspires and loves me. I am lucky enough to travel with him through this world and I think its worth a whoop when others find the same.


Lincoln Writer said...

I think two people finding each other, and finding happiness through being together, is reason for a huge WOOHOO indeed!

To that end, happy anniversary to the McKibbenses! May your honeymoon never end ...

Anonymous said...

Since I didn't have a chance to sign your guest book...

