Tuesday, June 17, 2008

You Take Me To All The Best Places

I've taken this week off from my desk job. I can't say I'm on vacation because McKibbin and I have spent the past three days knee deep in our fixer-upper cabin near Crete, Nebraska. The former owner, and her 20+ animals, abandoned the property several years ago. Aside from some initial clean-up that my dad was kind enough to take on the cabin has sat vacant until the McKibbins entered as both owners and general-contractors.

This week has been a series of lessons. A science lesson from the refrigerator. A wildlife biology lesson provided by the unidentified furry pelt under the dock. Two truck loads to Goodwill and filling half of a construction sized roll off dumpster with various pet litter-boxes, rain soaked carpets, and general trash. McKibbin and I laughed out-loud today as we got down to the demolition and realized the construction rubble was a vast improvement in decor.

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