Wednesday, July 13, 2011

You Grow, Girl!

If I’m within earshot of a radio on any given Wednesday morning between 11am-12pm it’s a safe bet to say I’m listening to How’s It Growing? on Lincoln’s Community Radio Station (KZUM 89.3 FM). It can’t come as much of a surprise that I’m a regular listener to this gardening show, right?

At my best I would say I’m a novice gardener. The type of person who plants seeds in the spring and then sits around with a whole lot of hope that things will turn out well. This KZUM program is flush with new tricks and helpful suggestions that might actually broaden my skillset a little from just hope in the garden.

How’s It Growing? is a call-in show. If I were a bolder sort of person I might call with questions. Often times, though, my favorite segments are the impromptu comments the hosts offer when the phone line is dead. The on-air musings someone will do about taste of fresh vegetables, the magnificence of seeing crocuses come up in the spring.

Today’s gem was an unedited soliloquy about the surge of backyard gardening in light of the economic downturn. I swelled with love for the steep and slippery slope the host took, though, from an innocuous observation into imporing people to share backyard wealth and resources. The host skidded to a verbal stop as the phone line lit up but was just shy of crying for an out and out guerrilla-gardening-revolution.

Underpinning the on-air filler was the idea we need to seize
the means of food production, place the power in every working class person's backyard. Ah, Marxists with gardening shears and a microphone on Community Radio. I mean it when I say: it doesn't get much better than that.

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