Thursday, July 21, 2011

Morning Meeting

My morning meetings have a nice banter to them. We’re quick with zings or a funny nothing-much of a story as we stand at the coffee pot or wait for everyone to assemble. Things with motors are a go-to topic for us. We talk cars, motorcycles, boats, etc. I imagine the pleasant chatter as a kinder, gentler form of machine shop talk. We steer clear of politics and religion. Trust me on this one: everything works out better that way.

This morning, though, the show So You Think You Can Dance was brought up by somebody. The Argentine Tango was evidently the dance-of-the-week on last night's show. I was surprised to see the group of us rally around the topic. We compared the waltz to the quick-step or the tango. It was a moment of open admiration culminating with a comment from the corner that "a good dancer defies what you thought the human body was capable of before."

His observation hung in the air for a split second while we all nodded and gazed at our feet.

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