Saturday, July 2, 2011

Face Plant

"If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need." ~ Cicero

I spent this morning digging in the dirt. Harvested both rhubarb and mint with specific recipes in mind.

There was a story I once heard in an Alice Walker interview when she recalled the process of writing Temple of My Familiar. Ms. Walker described the muddled emotional mess that surged inside her more than occasionally during the process. It was a mix of catharsis, anxiety, rage and exhaustion. After a long day of writing she'd quell the sensation by laying down flat against the dirt of her garden.

With Ms. Walker in the news this week for her peace activist leanings it wasn't much of a surprise to conjure the image today. The wet soil against the cheeks of her face, the stinging smell of the earth filling her nose. My yellow flowers all around.

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