Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Days

Naomi has been itching to learn to knit. She's a crafty sort of a kid who is commonly found in the company of molding clay or a sewing project or something that requires the use of a hot glue-gun. So this knitting request wasn't a complete surprise.

The trouble was I've knitted exactly two things in my life. Neither were done particularly well. Both projects at least 15 years ago with a lot of aggravation and profanity involved. Sizing myself up honestly, I could see I wasn't the best suited knitting teacher. So I hooked up Naomi with my friend, Sarah, who is a has a life-long crafting habit.

You name it Sarah tackles it: scrapbooking, paper-making, painting, stenciling, sewing, and...drum roll, please...knitting. The three of us (Naomi, Sarah & me) met up a couple of weeks ago with yarn and knitting looms. Learned a couple of knots. Sarah is as close to a crafting-rock-star as my kid will ever meet. Let's just say she is mentioned often and admiringly at our house.

With the cold weather and two snow-days in a row from public school, this knitting habit has been a godsend. Naomi and I will trudge up to the Meadowlark Coffeeshop, order ourselves a hot cocoa, take out some yarn and fall into an easy kind of chatter away from the cold wind outside.


aworkinprogress said...

That ball of yarn is Patons Classic Wool. That's how much of a yarn person I've become. How fun!!!

Melissa said...

I've thought of you often, Ms. C, as we're learning to knit. Wishing you were around to meet us at the Meadowlark occasionally.

I think I'll need to pull together another Chicago travel itinerary soonsville.