Thursday, January 20, 2011

Destination Life-List

At the ripe old age of seventeen I penned my first travel destination life-list. It's a list that has gone through several iterations. There is one item with serious staying power. I'd like to see the Northern Lights from a hot tub.

Anyone who has ever asked after my far-away dreams and destinations has heard this same schpeel. The words "Northern Lights" and "hot tub" are like two-sides of a coin. They come together.

Yesterday I was surfing the CNN website travel section and found a luxury spa boat that offers "Northern Light Safari" cruise itineraries tagged with the following sales pitch: "...don't fancy wrapping up in winter woolens to watch the Northern Lights, how about watching them from a hot tub?"

Ah! Somebody stole my daydreaming, placed it aboard a converted 1950s whaling trawler named the "Vulkana" and forgot to float me a ticket.

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