Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I've run across this hipster word for the past several months: Chillaxing. Obviously it's a somewhat clever combination of the words "chill" and "relaxing".

Cleverness mixed with laziness which is typical of the hipster scene. Being too linguistically lazy to choose between the closely related terms, or to provide either with the dignity of their full (grammatically correct) utterance.

My problem, though, isn't the word itself. It's how the word is painstakingly defined for me in each encounter. It's like I wouldn't catch on, or that I'm so far from the state of chillaxing that I'd need help navigating the definition.

It's a quip that makes me chuckle, self-deprecatingly, at the ubiquitously uncool, middle aged, type A position I must occupy in life. I've never been a hipster, not really, and I'm chill with that.

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