Friday, January 1, 2010

The List

McKibbin's mother takes Naomi and her cousins to the mall each year after Christmas. It's a fun excursion all the girls look forward to after the crest of holiday occasions. This year Carol asked the girls to write down a list of what they might like.

I'll attach Naomi's Mall List (misspellings & all):

1. a watch
2. hay sack dress
3. pearl neclace
4. one more cat
5. a little little little doll with a tiney tiny cell phone
6. a candy bracelet
7. a little toy cat
8. to be a slave but know how to read and write so I can teach others

The wish-list makes me wonder what she'll come home with from the shopping trip.
Happy New Year, everyone!
Reading With Naomi: Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare

Currently Watching: Boston Legal (season one)
Weekend Soundtrack: San Andres Fault by Natalie Merchant
New Year's Resolution: Renovate Some Eyesores of My House


Anu said...

Hi!Melissa.Iam Ananya..
Iam from India and yu will be surprised to know!Iam just 13 years old..The list makes me think about myself because iam the same know
I would ask more tham that!
She is better..

Anu said...

Am....a question..IAM New to this blog.I like your blog melissa and i started following it.. iam still just 13...yu know..As iam new..can you tell me who is Naomi And the others you always include in your posts?

Anu said...

Ananya again... Hi Melissa aunty...can i call you so?because in iindia we call elders like that if you dont mind...
I have a small principle which i wanna share..
So here's my blog you can find the post
'Must read 90/10 principle'
Its very good..I got it from my uncle

Anu said...

My blog adress