Friday, January 15, 2010


I have this thin book I carry around with me. I write down random things inside: song lyrics, snippets of NPR stories, a clever exchange of words I'll over hear at the coffee shop, parts of church sermons.

Does everybody have one of these books? Something similar? Something you take out periodically to look at the words or revisit something you heard once? A book you thumb through when you're feeling down?

Yesterday I had to pull over to write down an idea I heard on our local NPR Station. As always I'm paraphrasing.

People are in no less need of true companionship or profound connection.

We are less practiced at it, certainly. We have more noise and distractions from it. The noise of Twitter or Google instant and easy communication eats up time and brainspace. It feels like a substitute because is pushes away the silence or the loneliness. But that need for connection goes unsatisfied. Fundamentally, neurologically, spiritually, biologically, however you look at it...we still need it. A true exchange of selves. A conversation or connection that is more than a series of well-rehearsed monologues.

I sat there in my car, the engine humming, the buzz of traffic outside and listened to the whole interview. I shuffled through my cluttered purse to find my thin book and a pencil. Wrote down just fragments of the ideas, parts of words and the page blurred up. I can't possibly improve upon the sentiment. I just wrote it down in my book. And wrote it down here so it doesn't get lost.

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