Friday, December 18, 2009


The snow piles outside have all grown gray and gross. My front porch steps have iced over. So Naomi & her grandparents kicked this cold climate to the curb and flew off to Florida.

With finals complete I packed her up for Florida last night and they flew out this morning. As I pulled out of the airport I realized I still have a tree to trim, presents to wrap, a holiday letter to (hopefully) pen. The holidays have a lot of accouterments. Some I appreciate. Some not so much. The bright spot on the horizon, though, is to consider my weekend calendar which filled with friends I don’t have the occasion to see often.

It’s a nice time of year to live in my hometown. I enjoy the spillover effect of seeing friends and families as they are in town over the holidays. I like having a wide sense of people we’ve grown into, the lives we lead.

The occasional coffee or late night conversation with some of my familiars makes it less difficult to embrace the trimmings and cold weather that come with the season. My hope is that your calendar is similarly filled with those you love.

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