Monday, January 18, 2010

Twenty-Nine To Go

Last week the Spring semester started. I logged on to the website, downloaded my syllabus, ordered my books. I set my alarm clock and resolved to rise a little earlier. Resumed my habit of plugging the laptop in each night to make sure it’s charged and ready to go. Stashed my graphing-calculator in the glove-box of my car. My 2010 calendar suddenly spills over with deadlines and test dates.

But there is an energy I start the new semester with. An appreciation for learning and new ideas. I embrace an ambitious agenda for my nights and weekends. And think I might both get my homework and family's laundry done by Sunday. The semester is thirty weeks long.

As of last night, though, the count is actually one-down and twenty-nine to go.

Currently Reading: America’s Report Card by John McNally
Studying with N: World Geography
Dinner Table Discussion: Whether or not N accompanies me to Chicago in February.
Currently Watching: Prairie Wind (PBS)
Enjoyed Immensely: (500) Days of Summer


Sarah said...

I cannot even fathom how difficult Calculus 2 would be Melissa! You are incredible!!!!!

Melissa said...

Gosh, thanks Sarah! With your recent graduation, it must feel a little odd to not start classes with the new semester.