Friday, January 22, 2010


Me: So how was your day?
Naomi: Outstanding!

Me: Really?

Naomi: Yep.

Me: Outstanding?

Naomi: Mmm-hmm.

Me: So, what happened?
Naomi: Oh, nothing really.

Me: Nothing?
Naomi: Except Ms. Kaptuska painted our classroom.

Me: That's it?
Naomi: Well, it's yellow.
Me: And?
Naomi: Have you ever tried being sad when you're staring at a whole lot of yellow?

Me: Nope.
Naomi: Can't happen.


B said...

A girl after my own heart ... I always love a yellow room! You two are the best ... I love your spirits...

Melissa said...

Weren't there several yellow rooms at Chez Lola?

We've got lots of love at this house for your spirit, too!