Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Work Around

Me: So, what's the password on your computer?
McKibbin: What?
Me: The password on your computer. I don't know, I just wondered about some of the stuff I don't know about you. Figured you were more likely to respond to a question like "What's the password on your computer..." rather than "So, how are you feeling recently..." or "Tell me about your childhood...".
McK: You want to know my password?
Me: Some couples share this stuff.
McK: Passwords, or feelings about their childhood?
Me: Both. But I'd feel pretty good if I knew your password. You know, baby steps.
McK: I could teach you how to log on without my password.
Me: Not the point.
McK: But basically it's the same thing.
Me: So, how are you feeling right now?
McK: See, the work around lets you have access to the computer.
Me: A little nervous, maybe? Vulnerable? Frustrated?
McK: (turning to the computer screen) From this screen you press control-alt-delete...


Melissa said...

Naomi was asleep as McKibbin and I had this conversation though McK is currently building a computer for her. Over cereal the next morning McK asked what she'd like him to load on the hard-drive. Her first request, I kid you not, was a password.

Unknown said...

OK, I give in. It's ********.

Melissa said...

That's hilarious, McKibbin! Since when do you read my blog? I'll have to make sure I stop making us sound like the couple from Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf...

Mr. G said...

This one definitely piqued my interest because I would _never_ give anyone my computer password. Ever. For anything. (Including my wife.) It's not that I have anything to hide from her (except birthday surprises and whatnot) it's just that: 1) most IT people (should) have this beaten into their skulls and 2) my computer is my last refuge... my Fortress of Solitude. If I give it's secret away, well... I'm just going to have to build one somewhere else with another password that I haven't told.
My advice: don't ask, don't tell. We cavemen need some place to shamble off to.