Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Barbie Campaign

Years ago I remember Naomi’s voice from the backseat of my car. She wondered out loud whether we might purchase a Barbie doll? An innocent enough question. Naomi was, maybe, two or three years old. Somebody at daycare played Barbie a lot. Sooner or later I had assumed I’d face the Barbie question so I was ready. Nope, no Barbies at our house.

Why? Naomi asked.

Again, I was ready with a response: I don’t like Barbie. My mental road-map of this conversation, however, stopped there. I hadn’t anticipated the follow-up “Why?”

To put it bluntly, I choked on the question…then I lied. Like a Persian rug I lied. Made up the “Barbie isn’t very nice” argument on the fly. I told the most salacious series of mean-Barbie stories I could conjure. She doesn’t let other people drive her T-bird. She built the Barbie pool such that there is only room for one. Does Barbie have a job? How did she get that big, Barbie-dream-house if she doesn’t have a job? I hear she’s selfish. She screams and cries when opening birthday she dislikes.

I got on such a roll that Naomi chimed-in. She fabricated stories of Barbie pushing and shoving her friends, not sharing well with Ken or Skipper…I patted myself on the back. I thought of the future body-image issues we avoided by quashing my daughter’s desire to own a Barbie doll. And, after that moment in the car, I didn't think much about it.

Weeks later, though, the lead teacher at daycare pulled me into the hallway. She was concerned that Naomi had some unusual narratives regarding the other girl’s Barbie dolls. I blinked up my doe-eyes and mmm-hmmmed my way through these concerns. Thanked her for mentioning it. Then proceeded to high-five my kid on the way home. Promptly, though, I dialed back the Barbie smear campaign. Obviously, I had made my point.

Barbie still comes up in conversation around our house from time-to-time. Friends or playmates will still occasionally play with Barbie dolls. If asked Naomi joins in. Five years since muzzling my Barbie-slam-fest, however, my girl makes sure each Barbie character is gainfully employed and quite generous with sharing her things.


aworkinprogress said...

Lady, between this & the Sunday school story, you are my hero. :-)

Melissa said...

Colleen! I have been trying to reach you for ages, lady!

Thanks for sending me some love on my blog. :) Back atcha with the hero stuff, because, you're mine. Talk to you soon.

kraftykash said...

This is a great story. Luckily, Korby, as you can imagine, has NEVER showed an intrest in Barbie.

Melissa said...

Oh, Kashoan, Korby is a girl after my own heart! I sure hope you guys are having a great summer.