Monday, February 1, 2010

Filed Separately

The McK household is knee deep in our transition to digital. All of our media files (movies, music, etc.) are being downloaded to my husband's computer. McK recently purchased a Home Theater Personal Computer (HTPC) which has swallowed up several weeks of his existence.

I'm not flush with details about this HTPC black box that sits on the shelf under our television. Though I have been briefed on how to both turn it on and also operate its remote control. McK assures me I'll be glad we have it. I trust that will prove true. So much so that last week I handed over all of my cd jewel cases to be ripped onto McK's hard drive.

Prior to handing over this stack of cds and nearly ten years into couplehood McK and I had never mixed our cd collection. In fact neither of us could list the other's favorite albums or artists.

This sounds weirder than it is. In a world of high quality car stereos, ipods, and the epic saga of conflicting work-schedules McK and I just don't commonly listen to music together. There is also the glaringly obvious fact that our musical tastes are polar opposites of each other.

So I handed him this stack of cds thinking this was, sort of, a big moment. A sign of relative maturity and stability between us. An appreciation of our differences and how we can co-exist. Then I realized our music collections would occupy separate files on the same hard drive. We wouldn't want to get carried away with all of this togetherness.

Reading With N: The Higher Power of Lucky by Susan Patron
Looking Forward To: Dinosaurs & Disasters (this Saturday)
Recent Family Undertaking: Updating/Applying for Passports
Quote of My Day: "You can't be a 'geek' and have fake boobs. You just can't, sorry." (Thanks, Hubbard)

Undecided Whether I'll Commit to Watching or Not: Caprica
Currently Transfixed By
This Poem


aworkinprogress said...

Mixing cds & sharing a bathroom are the true hallmarks of the adult relationship. Doubt I'll ever be ready for that.

Love Hub's quote.

Did not like Caprica myself, but it's getting good buzz. Don't expect BSG, though.

Love ya!

Melissa said...

I have watched the first two episodes of Caprica. Interesting enough, I'm just not sure I'm completely into it. The storyline, thus far, looks thin. Fathers, avatars, & robots. It pales by comparison to cast with Boomer, Starbuck, & Laura Roslin