Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Weeklong Cold

Our household spent the whole week with a late-winter bug. It's the kind of cold that moves in and stays a while. So I laid in bed last night, creating a list of my favorite things and least favorite things when I'm sick.

Favorite Things When I'm Sick:
  1. Hot Pudding
  2. Sad Movies
  3. Plush Kleenex
  4. Socks & Slippers
  5. Juice of All Varieties
  6. Clean Sheets
  7. Fleece Everything
  8. Hot Showers
  9. Fresh Air Once In A While
  10. A Foot Massage
  11. Naps With Cats
  12. Spearmint Smelling Lotion
  13. To-Go Food (Preferably Delivered To My Front Door)
  14. Super-Power Prescription Decongestants

Least Favorite Things:
  1. My Car Sporting A Mysterious Warning Light of Some Kind
  2. Taking My First Calc Test Of The Term
  3. Compulsively Worrying About House/Work/School Duties I've Shirked
  4. Nightly Snowfall
  5. Morning Routine Of Scooping The Walk/Scraping The Car
  6. Saline Nasal Spray (ew)
  7. Wet Mittens
  8. Cold Toes
  9. Waking Up With A Sneeze


Aly carlson said...

at least your favorite things outweigh the least favorite things! that's gotta say something! :-)

Melissa said...

So true! Though the weight with which I dislike wet mittens and cold toes is a 2:1 ratio for the likes.