Saturday, January 31, 2009

A Summary Of The Affair

N and I were watching part of You've Got Mail with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. Having to leave before the movie ended, I made a quick summary of the plot as we buttoned up coats and climbed into the car. The sun low in the sky, and both of us a little dusty and tired Naomi fought off the urge to nap.

A low, constant mumble came from the backseat. The theory is: so long as she's talking, she's still awake. But at one point my girl gave up the mumbled Cliff's Notes of her take on love and marriage.

"First comes friends...then comes dates...with love and kissing...and...stuff. And along comes marriage. And after that (long, pensive pause) divorce sometimes."


kraftykash said...

That sure does sum it up! Save that one for her when shes about your age. She will appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

aly came home the other day and told me about how her client at work was telling her how her kids had gotten together (she has 4) and decided who would go with mom and who would go with dad WHEN they divorce, and reported to mom what the plan was. their marriage is in fine shape - they just have so many friends with divorced parents, they kind of expect it will happen in their families as well.....kind of made me sad.......

Melissa said...

I'm not much for pumping my kid's head full of unrealistic dreams...but there was something about her mention of divorce in this love-life-landscape that was pragmatic, funny, and somehow sad. She does that sometimes. Inspiring conflict, and emotions in me without meaning to.