Thursday, February 5, 2009

Weekend Soundtrack

I make no secret of the fact that McKibbin and I are kitchen dwellers. Each weekend I cook a pot of soup or flat of lasagna. I feel better on the approach to each week if I have something in the fridge as fall back in case McKibbin or I are too busy to cook or uncharacteristically struck by culinary apathy.

My Saturday cooking habits were scheduled around Weekend America offerings from my local NPR station. McKibbin had long since cast of from these Saturday kitchen excursions. Happy with the left overs, he isn't one to plan ahead and definitely isn't one to listen to Weekend America.

As he left me alone that first, of many, Saturdays retreating upstairs to his computer he joked about Weekend America hybridizing NPR's All Things Considered and NBC's Today Show. Too trite for my husband's tastes but I rather liked it. Weekend America afforded me some time in the kitchen by myself.

The show was lighter fare news, certainly. but something about me liked the smaller, more chatty focus. The Good-News, Bad-News, or No-News Section always made me laugh. The calender announcements alerted me to Valentine's Day events, and Elvis Festivals across the country. Most of all it was the Weekend Soundtrack segment that marked the show for me.

The segment begged the question which song just sings weekend to you. Maybe it was the backdrop to your greatest day ever. Maybe it's a song that brings you to tears.

Each weekend I'd ask myself what was on my weekend soundtrack, and position it against the people who actually had the guts to phone in to tell their story. I was one of those arm-chair companions for the segment offering up plenty of songs from the anonymity of my kitchen. The soothing noise of Nora Jones Come Away With Me throughout my pregnancy. Ani Difranco marking my 2008 election season. providing my personal Presidential Inauguration soundtrack.

I'm sad to report that Weekend America has been canceled. To be honest the coming weekend looks a shade lonelier than most. Anyway, if you notice a Weekend Soundtrack entry at the bottom of these posts I thought it only fair to properly credit the inspiration.
Weekend Soundtrack: Nelly Furtado's I Will Make U Cry
Currently Reading:
The Senator's Wife by Sue Miller
Friday Night Dinner Line-Up: Vegetable-and-Cream-Cheese Pizza & Spinach Salad
Friday Night Movie: Cold Mountain (2003)
Anxious to Attend: Skyler's 8th Birthday Party


m@ said...

yeah, i can dig it.
i was melancholy when they cancelled max headroom.
some things just can't be replaced.

Melissa said...

I know it, man.
So, what's on your weekend soundtrack?