Monday, January 26, 2009

Problem Shower-Heads

The average American uses 159 gallons of water every day,
while more than half the world's population uses 25 gallons.

I walked into the gym locker room this noon. Being the beginning of the year, and with lousy weather outside the gym was unusually crowded. I lugged my gym bag on my shoulder, excuse-me 'd my way through the room, and found dry space on the floor to set down my stuff.

My problem isn't the newbies to the gym, or the crowded locker was realizing that a room crowded with people (moms, kids, professionals, seniors) was content to ignore the sound of three unoccupied, but still running, shower-heads.

I know, I know water is a preoccupation of mine. I’m an avid swimmer—a Pisces, no less—a gardener, and an environmentalist stranded in the prairie desert. To say water is a big deal to me is an understatement. I can’t stand the absent, lonely sound of dripping water.

But this locker-room shower-head experience wasn’t a drip-drip-drop annoyance; it was a constant stream gushing out of, not one but, three separate showers. Aghast I fought the urge to shriek or cry.

I took my bad mood out on the lap pool. Being upset can inspire a heck of a work out.

After a lap swim I showered, left behind a non-dripping shower-head in my wake and used the contents of my gym bag to put myself back together. But even in the reassembly, I feel crumpled up inside.


B said...

That is SICK! why fight the urge to shriek -- those ladies needed to hear it! unbelieveable.

I find here an opportunity to share, yet again, my favorite Peace Corps joke:

An optimist sees the glass as half full.

A pessimist sees the glass as half empty.

A Peace Corps volunteer sees the glass and says, "Hey! I could take a bath in that!"

aworkinprogress said...

I feel your pain, lady. I'm the kind of person that follows behind people shutting off the faucets they leave running, shutting off the lights they leave on in rooms they have left, etc. It's maddening how wasteful Americans are-we are just so spoiled!

Melissa said...

Ah-ha, I love the Peace Corps joke!

Living in a nation of plenty it's hard to wrap our collective mind around scarce resources.