Sunday, July 27, 2008

All Cooked Up and Ready To Go

This summer we've taken up the task of teaching Naomi to cook. She is responsible for feeding our family dinner one night every week.

McKibbin and I spend a fair amount of time in the kitchen. Naomi has been curious about cooking for a long time. Factor in her role in setting the finicky end of the finicky-eater bell curve and you'll understand how fervently Naomi's parents urge her to learn to cook. The kitchen also offers up moments to teach Naomi about nutrition, units of measure and fractions.

As August approaches Naomi is rather proud of her culinary stylings. She's quick to mention the challenge of scrambling eggs or grating cheese for nachos. Hand the girl a Boboli crust and she can assemble a pizza with the best of 'em. Tonight the undertaking was a noodle soup concoction which she devoured in a single slurp. Basically the soup was ramen noodles fully loaded with veggies. She cooked up her soup in the hotpot I acquired as a freshman in college.

As I blew the dust off my hotpot I realized Naomi could already cook the staples of my college cuisine. Actually she could have stopped with scrambled eggs and nachos and had it covered.


matt said...

That's impressive. We love cooking and don't really know how to teach children to cook. We did teach Brian and Julie, but that only worked because of the heavy use of vino. Can't do that with kids can you? Ya, pretty sure you can't.

Melissa said...

Brian and Julie are kitchen dwellers? A job well-done, Hub! Yes, child protective services would discourage me from using similar teaching methods with Naomi.