Sunday, July 13, 2008


Somebody broke into my Prius the other night. They rummaged through the contents of my glove-box and console. My wallet and personal information inside the house, my car was slim pick-ins. The thief walked off with our digital camera and a Lincoln Safari bag. The losses weren't all that high in dollar value though it was sad to see the photos stored in our camera go. The Safari guidebook and map were left among the rubble.

On the one hand I am mad at myself for not locking the door. Carting grocery bags inside the night before I didn't have a free hand to lock the car door behind me. I should be more diligent about locking my car doors. I shouldn't take for granted the constant traffic and the high-profile nature of our street as countermeasures which might deter theft.

But if we're casting blame around I think its only fair to say other people shouldn't break into my vehicle and steal my stuff.


Lincoln Writer said...

wow -- I'm so sorry, darlin. I've been there.

Anonymous said...

Oooh! I'm sorry, sweetie! I'm glad your losses were minimal, at least. (Cold comfort, I know.)-Colleen

Melissa said...

Yeh. It was too bad. We were pleased the thief didn't take the Safari map or the guidebook.

"The robber must have really liked the bag," Naomi concluded. "They should go to the library. They could get one for free. Miss Kay [the librarian] gives them out."