Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Self Disclosure

At the dinner table, yesterday, my family took a moment to coordinate schedules. This is less of a coordinated effort as it is the occurrence of my asking "So, what's coming up?" and penning dates and times into my day planner.

N was quick to list every bike ride and movie night she wanted to schedule. McK spoke in generalities without times or dates involved. Lots of margin notes, there.

I flipped the page, briefly, to July and made mention of a writing assignment due date.

"I bring-it up only because the subject matter has me kind of crazy, grateful for you guys. So, if you walk in on me crying for no know...don't be concerned."

I let the comment hang in the air a moment, considered how genuinely odd the forewarning was, and glanced around at my dinner companions neither of whom bats a eye at my quirky moments. Aren't they just the sweetest?

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