Thursday, June 10, 2010

Neither Brave Nor Bold

I’m almost too embarrassed to even tell you this story. Almost. I’ll be brief.

Naomi got a hankering to go swimming yesterday. With the summer heat and a mid-week lul at our house, her poolside plan sounded like a good one. I was quick to sign on. Then looked everywhere but failed to locate my usual swim suit. I found myself caught between canceling our swimming plans or wearing a suit I knew was stashed at the bottom of my never-ever-think-I’ll-actually-wear-but-keep-it-just-in-case pile of clothes in the hall closet.

Does everyone have one of these piles? It’s a stack of sparkly dresses, flashy hats, impractical shoes, and a black bikini. Modest, as far as bikinis go, but still a bikini and therefore completely outside my norm. The suit was so far outside my usual fashion that Naomi was gobsmacked (and a little embarrassed for me) as I came downstairs to find my beach towel.

It’s not that I suddenly quit it with my body issues. I just decided to focus instead on the delightful company of my kid. Not exactly my boldest moment, but a small accomplishment I hadn't had before.
Currently Listening to: The American Inquisition: The Era of McCarthyism
Recent Goodness: Fresh salad greens from Ms. C's garden.
Random Product Plug: Anyone who knows me knows that I'm just not so much with cosmetics, but, I recently purchased Amazemint lip-gloss. Cover Girl should seriously ~seriously~ ask me to do a commercial for them because I love it THAT much!
Quote of My Day: Naomi observed my penchant for music that's "filled up with sad feelings."

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