Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Math Tutor

Naomi: How come Granddave tucks me in tonight?
Me: Because it's a school night and you need to sleep in your own bed.
Naomi: Dad's at work?
Me: Dad's at work.
Naomi: Where are you going?
Me: I'm getting together with a person named Lucinda. She's helping me with my calculus homework.
Naomi: You get together and do hard math problems, then?
Me: Yep.
Naomi: So it's like a math date?
Me: Kind of.

Naomi stares at me, here, for a long time. Finally she sighs, and rolls her eyes with envy.

Naomi: Lucky.
Recent Mistake: The color of hair dye I selected from Walgreens. It looked so flattering on the box, but, oy!
Daily Soundtrack: Crazy by Nelly Furtado
Quote of My Day:
"You've just got to put it into perspective. Calculus never did anything useful like mow the lawn or anything."


B said...

Couple of pretty amazing chicas in your household! Miss you much, really planning to write and catch up soon ...

Melissa said...

Thanks for your note, Becki. I feel anything but amazing at the moment. Calculus asks my brain to be bendy in all of the ways I'm not so limber.

This tutor is a huge amount of help, though, and I limp through the material at this point. My first online exam is this week. Wish me luck.