Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Gross Part

Driving in the car and listening to this song by Tristan Prettyman.

Naomi: What does she mean when she sings that?
Me: Sings what?
Naomi: Madly, madly, madly...
Me: Oh, she's singing about being both madly in love with someone and mad at them too.
Naomi: Like when you're mad at Dad but you still love him?
Me: Yep. And also loving someone so much it makes you silly and crazy.
Naomi: Because, you're mad at Dad sometimes.
Me: I am mad at Dad sometimes.
Naomi: I know.
Me: I also love him so much it makes me silly.
Naomi: Uh-huh (pause) that part's just a little gross though.


aworkinprogress said...

Soooooo gross!!! :-)

Melissa said...

Thanks, Colleen! This one just cracked me up.