Sunday, November 23, 2008

Winter Mix

Whether I grant my consent or not, winter has a date with the hills of eastern Nebraska. And this tryst is fast approaching. This weekend McKibbin and I winterized the house. Not exactly a glamorous nor a romantic venture. It also requires no small amount of energy to get ready for winter in a house that is nearly one-hundred years old. But it was the week-end-long task we took up and accomplished the following:

*Flip the mattresses

*Plastic insulate the windows

*Clean out bathroom and kitchen drain traps
*Seal small cracks in the foundation

*Pack up summer clothes into attic boxes

*Change the filters in our dryer and furnace

*Set up ultrasonic repellers to dissuade mice from becoming tenants

*Turn the compost pile

*Plug in the space heater in Naomi’s room

*Set up the sunlamp fresh herb garden in the basement

*Stash two ice scrapers in the console of my car

*Mate mittens and warm socks

*Change the oil, check the battery and rotate my car tires

*Re-locate the shovel and ice-melt to the front porch box

It sounds like a lot, and it was. But with the proper amount of joking around, several trips to Home Depot, the gratuitous over-use of gadgets and power-tools (because, hey, if you've got a delux-ious tool box why not use it?), and a soundtrack of funk music blaring from every available stereo actually wasn’t a bad time.


Currently Watching: The Frontier House

Listening To: Nelly Furtado (Woah, Nelly!, Forca, and Folklore) and Angelique Kidjo (everything I own; thanks, M@!)

Currently Trying to Memorize: Winter Conversation by Joyce Wakefield (poem)


kraftykash said...

I think you forgot to add hot chocolate to your list. :)
See you soon!

Melissa said...

Oooo, hot chocolate! Good call, Kashoan. Looking forward to seeing you Saturday!

B said...

I'm as big a geek as you ... that sounds like loads of fun ... Miss you ...

m@ said...

let me know how the ultrasonic dealyboppers work. i've thought about some for the cabin.

Melissa said...

The ultrasonic dealyboppers work okay. We haven't had any mice in weeks and weeks but also sealing the foundation cracks made a big difference. I find it hard to say whether the ultrasonics alone would have worked. My husband, the pragmatist, wouldn't find it hard to say "no".