Thursday, September 22, 2011

Prairie Public Radio

I was online yesterday, logging into my student account, when I found out the University of North Dakota has a phone-in philosophy radio show.  
It’s a coffee house feeling radio conversation about the philosophy of forgiveness, health care, morality, or ecology.  It sort of throws everything into the non-sensational  radio-media mix and I was glad to find the show. My Internet surfing will occasionally inspire moments of serendipity like this. Finding a radio broadcast from North Dakota that dissects both political rhetoric and the every day puzzles.
I chuckled with admiration to find out two small details: first, the show's host sports a goatee, second he points out the irony that “North Dakota exports a philosophy show… while Cambridge, Massachusetts exports Car Talk. Everything is backwards!”
The program is named WHY?  And broadcasts live on Prairie Public Radio the second Sunday of every month at 5 p.m. Central time.

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