Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Clean, Green Fighting Machine

I recently happened across a periodic column asking people about the contents of their refrigerator. It was more than a street journalist stopping a random person and asking, "What's in Your Fridge?"

The columnist set up legitimate interviews, but along with the glossy, glam shots of each interviewee was a large portrait of the inside of the person's refrigerator. The interview questions had lead-ins like, "I see a lot of spoiled vegetables in your crisper..." -or- "What's in the pink tupperware container?"

I thought it was pretty cool, actually. A candid interview about a person's life. Nobody has prepared statements about their crisper. Nothing could be rehearsed or too polished in the exchange. And I was surprised how much I could learn about a person based on the contents of their refrigerator. It's a series called the Refrigerator Look Book.

Nobody's come over to the house with a camera curious about my fridge. But I opened the fridge last night and pretended I was being interviewed for the series. I've got your basic veggies and cheese. Some left over brown rice and heirloom beans. The most exciting feature of my refrigerator, actually, is the box itself. It's new. With the help of $250 rebate from Cleaner, Greener Lincoln I sent the ancient semi-reliable kitchen behemoth of an ice-box  packin' off to the recylcer and got this Energy Star fridge. I'm pretty thrilled about it. 

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