Thursday, February 10, 2011

Slam Poetry

There was something cathartic about the attached video for me. It's a little out there from the things I'll usually post on meleeska, but I watched it yesterday and have been talking or thinking about it ever since.

I hated that snobbish moment when I left behind the content to count the letters and observe that "pretty" has six (not five) letters. Even my smallest or most petty observations are forced to completely yield to the performer's message.
Crazy Coolness: Our upstairs construction project at the house. Except, with insulation, the rooms are warm...not cool. Quiet, too!
Contemplating: A part-time-green-writer-blogger stint.


Melodee said...

Hate to admit it. This made me tear up. This message strikes "pretty" deep.

Melissa said...

Pretty powerful stuff, I thought.