Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Low Maintenance

About a month ago I bought this new perfume-y body spray. Tea Tree& Lemon scent. I found it in the clearance bin at Walgreens. Tested it in the aisle. Pleasant enough smell. I bought it and, in the store parking lot, plopped it directly into the front pocket of the gym bag I keep in my trunk.

Used it, this noon, to gussy myself up a bit after a stint on the treadmill. For an hour now I've been sniffing the skin at my shirt collar. Holding the inside skin of my wrist to my nose. Searching for the familiar chord the smell strikes. Its like humming those first three notes of a song I can't name. Until, out of the blue, it comes to me and I sort of giggle with relief.

I smell like furniture polish. I really do. All lemony and dust-free. Not exactly the most sophisticated fragrance but, in a pinch, it's not bad.

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