Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Some Assembly Required

Every year Lincoln Electric System (LES) pulls together a glossy Annual Report which essentially is a brag book about our programs and accomplishments. It’s a document LES circulates to bond agencies, board members, and customer-owners. I’m low enough on the totem pole that I’ve never had a hand in authoring the report, but have been pleased to read it when my copy arrives in the mail.

This year the Annual Report is profiling specific areas and people within the company. Somebody, somewhere plucked me out of the LES landscape as a person to profile.

I had lunch with someone from Corporate Communications. Jimmy John’s sandwich bribery was in full swing. I tried not to speak with my mouthful while we gabbed. She took notes. In case I said something printable I’ll be some blurb in the Annual Report. The part of this profiling gig nobody mentioned at the get-go was the photo shoot.

I show up, yesterday morning, having done my best to look presentable. I had double-brushed my teeth, slapped on what make up I could locate, and skipped my morning coffee because I’m a notorious coffee-slosher.

I stood outside the brightly-lit photo room and gave myself a little pep talk like I do before getting a flu shot. It won’t be so bad. Twenty minutes and it’s all over. Checking my sweater one, last time, for toothpaste or globs of food I walked into the room.

Get this: somebody hired a stylist.

I fidgeted nervously under her fixed gaze. This wasn't much like a flu shot. It was different somehow. We talked about her career. How high-definition imagery has changed make up in the stylist industry. With one last brush of the powder puff, the stylist said all done. She handed over a mirror. I didn’t look like Cleopatra or anything. It was just me. A better assembled version of me anyway. Sans the shiny forehead, and sporting a more flattering lip gloss. But still me.

Currently Watching: 30 Rock (Season 1)
Currently Reading: 1215: The Year of the Magna Carta by D. Danziger & J. Gillingham
Recently Enjoyed: Reprise (2006)
Daily Soundtrack: That Time (Regina Spektor)
Early Morning Treadmill-Television Habit: Charlie Rose on PBS


m@ said...

WOW! i didn't know you'd gotten the style treatment! how fun!

when do we get to see the profile and photo(s)? do you get to keep any of you glamour shots?


Melissa said...

LOL! I haven't seen the glam shots, and dunno if I'll get any of the prints. However, the follow up story is this:

About a week later I had my second photo-shoot at Pioneer Park Nature Center. I spent considerably less time combobulating myself thinking "Oh, the stylist will help me get squared away." I show up, no stylist, just the photographer. As he approached I kept looking at the passenger seat of his car thinking "What? No, woman with lip gloss and hair gel?" Boy, did I feel like a diva!

Jasoninthedesert said...

Nice. You should scan in the photo and more importantly, the article. I'm awfully proud of you for having a career impacting how we treat the environment. That's totally how I pictured you after we lost touch.