Wednesday, March 18, 2009

But Don't Tell Anybody

It's coooooool being seven!
- Naomi

Naomi: So, mom, do I get a cake?
Me: Today?
Naomi: Yeh. A birthday cake.
Me: Oh....ummm.....maybe. You'll, for sure, have one at your party on Saturday.
Naomi: But my birthday is today.
Me: I know your birthday is today. I just didn't know you wanted a cake today.
Naomi: Well I do.
Me: Well, OK. I'll see if I can't make that happen.
Naomi: With candles.
Me: If the "maybe" cake gets baked today, it will have candles.
Naomi: When I was a kid I used to wish I could fly.
Me: You'd wish that on your birthday candles?
Naomi: Yeh.
Me: But you don't wish that anymore?
Naomi: Well...sometimes...but don't tell anybody. I'm seven now and that kid stuff, well, it's kind of embarrassing.


kraftykash said...

Happy Happy Birthday to Naomi. She is such a sweet girl!

Melissa said...

Isn't she a sweet heart? I agree. We had a great time celebrating her birthday.