Sunday, May 11, 2008


I've never been particularly skilled at keeping a clean house. Let's just say that becoming a parent had a gravitational effect on my meager domestic skills. Housekeeping has fallen to its lowest possible point. To save my family from the dust bunnies breeding under our beds we agreed to purchase a Roomba for Mother's Day.

Have you heard of these Roombas? They're disc shaped vacuuming robots. Plop one in the middle of the floor, press go and leave the thing alone. Come back later and the room is completely vacuumed. The technology itself piqued McKibbin's interest. Naomi asked if she could name the robot as though it were her pet. The last to get on board with the robot-vacuum idea was fuddy-duddy-me.

I kept thinking I should be better about keeping a clean house. My mother managed to swing it. Then, I had to get over the idea that I was inviting Hal (the computer from 2001: A Space Odyssey) into my home just to clean the place up a little.

Honestly, though I was surprised at how quickly my reservations fell away. Naomi and I fired up the Roomba this morning and I headed downstairs for breakfast. We giggled and sang at the table for a long time as the Roomba tackled the upstairs vacuuming.

One lazy Sunday morning and I'm sold. This Roomba-gizmo stepped up to be a mother while I sat down and enjoyed two of the most delightful people I know. I'm sure women felt the same relief as they embraced garbage disposals and automated washer/dryers. Its not flowers and candy, but the Roomba made for a happy Mother's Day at our house!


Anonymous said...

That is AWESOME!-Colleen

B said...

you got the robot! That's hilarious! How well does it work?

Melissa said...

It does an amazing job, actually, under furniture and in tight spaces. Naomi named the Roomba "Rover". I'm pretty much a Luddite when it comes to receiving electronic gifts for special occasions but I have to say this one is pretty cool.

Lincoln Writer said...

No, YOU'RE the fabulous one, lady! But thanks! See you Monday!

Anonymous said...

Here in this video, you can see how iroomba robot operates.