Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Insult to Injury

With moaning and complaining on the brain I slunk into the gym at 5 pm today. I growled out a mouthful of self-pity to the YMCA check-in clerk about my long, frustrating day with little sleep. I was just dog tired. With that bad attitude I laced up my shoes, and walked upstairs from the locker room. The half-marathon training guide said I still had to run six miles.

I fired up my treadmill, plugged in my headphones and surrendered to notion that, bad attitude or not, the next sixty minutes of my life would be occupied by running. Adding insult to injury the news report told me that my favorite, favorite junk food of all time (cheese fries with ranch dressing) topped a list from Men's Health Magazine of unhealthy foods.

Talk about kicking a girl while she's down!


Lincoln Writer said...

I so, SO wouldn't peg you for a cheese-fries-with-ranch kinda gal!

Your marathon training is such an inspiration...

Krista said...

i'm a sucker for chili-cheese fried with ketchup...add a side of guilt! some things you indulge in, no matter what the "experts" say. some things just make you feel good!

Melissa said...

Mmmmm, chili-cheese with ketchup. I'll have to try that!

Yes, buried deep in my granola-health-nut heart dwells the cheese-fry lover I am. I haven't had them in some time but hold fond memories of days when my metabolism was quicker and I'd chow down an order of cheese fries and call it dinner.