Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Everyday Things for a Healthier Planet

Happy Earth Day! Without a lot of time to write a long diatribe about the environment I fall back on the premise of a book by John C. Ryan called Seven Wonders. Each chapter focuses on an item from his list of choices we can make for a healthier planet. Its a good book and one I recommend. Ryan uses his research to paint a picture of things I can do rather than leaving me with a hopeless or deeply depressed feeling which pervades the eco-lit genre.

In a nutshell Ryan recommends we opt for the following Seven Wonders to benefit the planet:
  1. The Bicycle
  2. The Ceiling Fan
  3. The Library
  4. Pad Thai Tofu
  5. The Condom
  6. The Clothesline
  7. The Ladybug
My favorite among the list is the bicycle. We went on a family bike ride just last Saturday. You remember that feeling you had on your dirt bike when you were a kid? The rush you got from tick-tick-ti-ti-ti-ti-ticking of your bike chain? The way your cheeks got a little flushed from the thrill of mobility? Call me a big kid but its a feeling I've never outgrown.

Obviously I'm a huge fan of Thai food and my vegetarian husband proliferates the veggie servings present at our table. So, my taste-buds must give a nod to the Pad Thai though I know the tofu mention rules that out for several of you.

In celebration of Earth Day I hope you'll head to your local library and check out Seven Wonders by John C. Ryan. Its a quick read and offers some good granola brain-food to munch on.


Lincoln Writer said...

I'm dying to know -- why pad thai?? Is it a reference to vegetarian food in general, or is there something specific about one of my all-time favorite dishes??

I had a great time with you this evening -- thanks!

Melissa said...

Its been years since I read the book but as I recall it was the complex carbohydrate being healthier than animal proteins. Also veggies don't require as immediate and constant refrigeration which gives a nod to the ozone layer.

Fabulous to see you this evening! I was thrilled to hear Peace Corps news and thanks for letting me babble about the lecture.