Monday, January 21, 2008


Before Ron Paul drops out of the Presidential race I have a confession to make: every time I hear his name it gives me a wicked case of the giggles. I know nothing about Mr. Paul, nor his political platform. I'm not a registered Republican so I have no ability to vote for him. He isn't a front runner so I haven't really examined his candidacy which makes me about the most ignorant of commentators on the guy. Ignorance stops none of the talking heads on cable so I can't really let it stop me either.

The mark his campaign has burned into my brain is a mis-fire of my mental roladex with an image of Ru place of Ron Paul. You remember Ru right? We all remember Ru. Ru Paul is one of those distant pop cultural icons none of us want to own but we all have a crystal clear picture of in our brain.

The Ru-Ron Paul brain flub conjures an unforgetable image among presidential hopefuls. It makes me laugh every time. I imagine him at the debates, sparring with his opponents, running television ads, releasing a new music album. I must say, the image of the debates is pretty funny. Does anyone else have these anarchist synapse that refuse to fire correctly sometimes? The more I would try to get it right, the more stubbornly my brain veers in the other direction.

I was telling McKibbin about my giggle fits over the mention of Ron Paul . Brent suggested we take a look at what the Presidential candidate might look like dressed more fashionably. Its like one of those riddles: What do you get when you cross a cat with an ape? What do you get when you cross a scarecrow with a hockey puck? A couple of hours of Photoshop later McKibbin showed me what you get when you cross a cross-dresser with a conservative Presidential Candidate.

I have to say, I'd consider voting for this guy.

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