Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Winter Cold

I do so like green eggs and ham. Thank you, thank you, Sam I am.
-- Dr. Seuss

Winter came back while I was sleeping Monday night. The bitter wind picked me up and shooed me into the office. It was mid-morning before I realized my case of the chills was actually a fever. I thought I’d prop myself up with the stash of cold meds in my desk drawer but I was far enough gone to require more drastic measures. Its been a long time since I have been bedridden with a cold.

This is my second day with the grueling schedule of fluids and rest. Being sick has made me rather grateful for small things: two pillows instead of one, cherry flavored lozenges, warm blankets, epsom salts, and hot showers. Naomi took her shoes off before she peeked in to see me last night. She was curious if I was awake and, finding my eyes open, climbed into bed to read me a book.

With enough creature comforts, and pleasant company this cold doesn't stand a chance.


Lincoln Writer said...

Girl, you didn't even mention being sick -- I'm sorry I didn't even ask how *you* were doing. I'd have brought you soup, and trashy magazines (and, likely, more germs). Hope you're feeling 100% again soon!

matt said...

I have always admired your ability to write. Words flow so evenly, an so calmly. Yes, this is mostly just the ramblings of a jealous writer.