Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Saying 'Yes"

I was watching this TedX talk by Mark Zmarzly about how our lives are propelled by a series of 'yes' statements. The choice, the decision to say 'yes' can lead to all sorts of places a person couldn't suspect. If our lives are stories then the plot is driven by moments where a person says 'yes' or 'no'. Zmarzly inspired me to be grateful for the times I've said 'yes' recently. 

This morning, for instance, when N asked me at the last minute to come to the Breakfast Cafe at her school. She wanted me to try the pumpkin coffee cake. 

Or curling up in a warm bed with a new book throughout this past snow storm. 

Would I like some whipped cream on my coffee drink?

Would I be available to tag along on a trip in March to Desert Hot Springs?

Saying 'yes' to my cousin's wife, a hairdresser, who offers to help me fix the mop of a bad haircut I've been sporting. 

At the moment any of us says 'yes' we don't, we can't, know where it will take us. It's the optimist in us, I suppose. Embracing the potential of a moment and agreeing to travel in that direction and find out where it leads. 


DadO said...

The root element of theater improvization is the fundamental agreement that all stimuli will r
be responded to with the beginning," Yes! and....". the explicit rule is accepting whatever is given to you and building upon it. A great corollary to your note. DadO

Melissa said...

Accepting what you are given and building upon it. Well said. Love you so, Dad!