Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Late Night - Sleepy Morning

After tossing and turning, sometimes, I just give up. I climb out of the crumpled sheets. Slip downstairs.

Otherwise I'd lay in bed and plunk away at my mental calculator, "If I fell asleep right now, I'd get.......five hours of rest. If I fell asleep right ~now~ I'd get..... three hours of rest..."

I can't be too surprised that insomnia strikes this week with finals in one class and my first exam in the second. Wish me luck and coffee...and a little sleep at the end of it. 



Anonymous said...

You can do it!!!! Sending you peaceful sleep and clearheaded study vibes ...


Melissa said...

Thanks, darlin'! I'll see you tonight, won't I? At the bookstore's 21st Birthday? Looking forward to it!

m@ said...

A number of years ago I trained myself to not look at the clock when coming to bed because of the calculator complex. It kept me from sleeping...I just think to myself "Whatever time it is doesn't matter, my body is going to get that much sleep. Activating my brain will only get in the way." I can't tell you how much that helps.

Melissa said...

Good plan, M@! Hey, I hear you're sick. Let me know if you need some soup or anything.