Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Morning Personal-News Report

I forgot my boxed lunch and my wallet at home this morning. I can raid the box of Pop-tarts I keep in my desk drawer. Sometimes my tendency to hoard food can really, seriously come in quite handy.

I walked out of the house with two knee-high stockings that don’t match. If I just cross my ankles, or keep walking all day I’m sure nobody will notice.

The fire alarm went off at work this morning followed, in short order, by a puff of black smoke on the horizon. Turns out it was a training event.

I'm almost, almost done with my 2010 income taxes. I think.

I'm in no shape to run the half-marathon this year. Darn. But I am signed up to be a course monitor on my bike that morning. So I'll bike the full 26-mile course. Is it weird to say I'm excited about it?

Three weeks away from the end of my Spring Semester and I haven't cried over my tests or homework. Not once. So ~this~ is how it feels not to take Calculus. Huh.
Naomi’s Latest Culinary Effort: Red-Pepper & Onion Stir Fry. Delicious!
BIG News: McK rolled the last coat of paint as part of our upstairs remodeling job last week. Construction and finished product pictures to follow.
Planning Stages: Starting a Roots & Shoots Club at Prescott School next year.
Anxious to Attend: Nature's Market @ The Pioneer Park Nature Center (April 16th)

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