Friday, April 16, 2010

Spilling Outward

I’m in the thick of final exams. The familiar sense of feeling both overwhelmed and annoyed. The swell of warmer weather outside and the nag of projects and exams and deadlines. I can’t recall the last time I’ve been so moody and erratic. Like my brain, my life, is torn up into little pieces and none of the edges fit together.

And I mad or frustrated nearly all of the time. Sleep deprivation doesn’t help.

I had this moment of clarity, though, last night and considered the family who has to manage me right now. All my somewhat internal weeping, whining, and profane muttering. Living next to all that must be a mine-field. I can only imagine. My imagination is pretty good, though… so… I sense I’m not far off on the on the particulars.

It was late at night when I saw it clearly. And resolved to let less of this moody preoccupation spill outside of my own skin. Luckily final exams inspire only a finite kind of craziness. For better of worse this comes to a close relatively soon. Luckier still, I married and raised some exceptionally forgiving people. Drawing deep from the reserves of that second stroke of my lucky life, we'll all make it.
Currently Watching: Mad Men (Season 3)
Currently Reading: When Everything Changed by Gail Collins
Quote of My Day: Mommy, I just like to chat. Especially when you're cooking.
Naomi Looking Forward To: Chinese Acrobat's Performance

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