Thursday, September 4, 2008

Auto-Racing Wishes for My Girl

I've been thinking about my friends a lot recently. One just welcomed a baby girl. Several showed up to help raise the high-beam of our cabin roof. One leaves on Friday for a two year stint in the Peace Corps. One with her kiddo in a Denver hospital this week. More found on my cell phone speed dial.

Anne Lamott calls that core group of friends your pit crew. Its made up of those people who put you back together, inflate your tires, and check under the hood before they turn you around to face the road ahead.

With the beginning of each school year I watch as my daughter makes and moves away from her friends. I can only hope she has the good fortune to collect a pit crew as amazing as my own.


Anonymous said...

I can only speak for myself, but I imagine that there are many like me who consider themselves so very blessed to have you as a pit crew member.-C.

B said...

me, too! I'm a-gonna miss my ladeez!

Beeeyoooteeful photo of Naomi, btw...